One of IP’s goals is to provide education and guidance to the younger generation of athlete. IP wants the athlete to benefit from the mistakes made by those that proceeded them, both while playing professionally, but more importantly when their career ends.

There are far too many examples of players receiving bad advice and no real education or guidance to handle their personal affairs off the field. These decisions have led to a low success rate for the professional player once their career is over in terms of transitioning from the sport.

IP believes the most effective way to combat this problem is to institute the “team” approach, addressing varying aspects of the athlete’s life.



As a former NFL player himself, the founder
Jeremy Lincoln, is familiar with the time constraints, risks and demands put on athletes. He understands first hand how important it is to surround yourself with the right “team” of professionals that will simplify the process and make introductions to the right people.

IP’s expertise in building strategic relationships is the foundation for their clients’ long term success. IP has spent many years creating and developing professional relationships. As a result, IP is able to provide a strong stable of talented professionals for their clients to select from in order to ensure they have what will best suit their needs.

These relationships include some of the top financial, legal, entertainment and consulting companies, both on a domestic and an international platform.


